Workgroup Charter | Deliver a prioritized roadmap of minimum viable sets of technical specs required to implement end-to-end O-RAN solutions applicable in commercial networks The process considers the backlog of O-RAN ALLIANCE use cases, operator surveys and existing cross-WG proposals, in addition to any contribution-driven work items raised in the Alliance working groups. These are synthesized into the Release Plan and Feature Plans for the O-RAN ALLIANCE. Through the Release Plan and Feature Plans, the definitions of and the agreement upon each MVP (scope, value, effort and time) as well as its phasing across releases will be contributed by MVP-C. In this way, MVP-C enables an integral process (efficient, effective and sustainable) in O-RAN TSC. Releases and Features are developed to bring substantial value and innovation to the Open RAN ecosystem. Inputs from the operators and the supplier ecosystem are integrated into the prioritization process
Manage O-RAN feature definition which includes the creation, management, prioritization and tracking of various feature-related documents. Approve the creation of every O-RAN feature and manage its inclusion in the relevant O-RAN Release(s). Collaborate and coordinate with all WGs/FGs/TGs on Feature Plans refinement and approval Feature work items development (owned by the WGs/FGs) and approval Ensuring that the Release Plan and Plan for Releases are viable, scope and scheduled managed