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Workgroup Number


Workgroup Name

Non-Real-time RAN Intelligent Controller and A1

Workgroup Charter

•Define the use cases and requirements related to A1, R1 and Non-RT RIC

•Define the A1 interface between Non-RT RIC and Near-RT RIC to enable policy-based guidance and enrichment information of Near-RT RIC, AI/ML learning and deployment in RAN, and non-real-time optimization of RAN elements and resources

•Define the Non-RT RIC architecture

•Define the R1 interface between Non-RT RIC framework and rApps

•Define the WG2 related test specification

•Define the AI/ML workflow

•Coordinate with WG3 on A1 aspects

•Coordinate with WG10 and WG6 on App LCM

•Coordinate with WG1, WG10 and WG6 on Non-RT RIC and R1 related topics

•Coordinate with SFG on WG2 security issues

Workgroup Scope

Must have:

•WG2 use case and requirements specification

•A1 interface specifications

•Non-RT RIC Architecture specification

•R1 interface specifications

•WG2 related test specifications

•AI/ML workflow technical report

Workgroup Co-chairs

China Mobile (CMCC): Qi Sun
KDDI (KDDI): Shinobu Nanba
Ericsson (ERI): John Power

Last synchronization on: 2023-11-09, 13:44:14 (CET)

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